Customer Loyalty: Is it more than Rewards?

Customer loyalty programs are great tools for businesses that are trying to create a long lasting relationship between you and them. They serve to improve customer satisfaction by giving the customer an incentive to continue shopping at their store. But is there more to customer loyalty than giving customers a rewards card? There are other important factors that come into play when businesses try to build customer loyalty. For instance, in order to gain a foundation for customer loyalty, businesses must take into account the customers experience from beginning to end. The interactions made between you and the people representing the company are important when trying to create a relationship with customers and providing them further satisfaction through loyalty programs.

In this video, Jack Dempsey (CEO of Pretium Solutions) discusses how real customer loyalty is created through personalised customer interactions between you and the people acting on the company’s behalf.


It is obvious that customer loyalty is not created from programs that reward you for doing business with companies, however the service provided to you by them. Loyalty programs are a good thing to note for businesses trying to retain customers but before they can offer that they must ensure that they have an established customer following and that they are continuously providing excellent customer service to their cliental.
Here are some things I watch out for to see if I have been served good customer service:
·         Were you greeted?
·         Were you asked for help?
·         Were the representatives knowledgeable?
·         Were you provided fast and friendly check-out?
Next time you go shopping, try and see if everything on the list was provided and then leave a comment discussing your experience.
THOUGHTS: Would you sign up for a loyalty program even though the customer service was not adequate?  

1 comment:

  1. Under our customer reward program or custom loyalty program, we will benefit you in several ways. Contact Perkville if you want to know more about the customer reward programs or similar services.
