Smart Shopping: Savings from Reward Cards

Not only are customer loyalty programs great for helping businesses retain and satisfy customers, but they are also a great way for customers to save money. People are always looking for the best deals possible, so being able to redeem points you have collected from purchases you bought and in return receive store credit is a great saving tool for those of you who are cost-efficient. Through reward programs, members are able to earn large amounts of savings if they continuously collect points on their reward cards. 

The entire concept is a win-win situation. Businesses benefit from these programs as they convert shoppers into loyal customers, whereas you benefit from receiving incentives and perks that come along with the rewards program. If customers shop smart, you can take advantage of these amazing savings!                                                               
In addition, customer loyalty programs are becoming increasingly valuable to many Canadian shoppers. In fact, with more and more companies implementing loyalty programs, it is turning into a trend that many Canadian retailers have or are beginning to adopt. According to the 2013 COLLOQUY Loyalty Census,
“The average Canadian household is a member of 8.2 loyalty programs”.   

For the cost efficient shopper, here are a few Canadian retailers/ services that provide loyalty programs for their customers:

1.      Air Miles

2.      Shoppers Optimum

3.      Canadian Tire Rewards/Money

4.      Aero Plan

5.      HBC Rewards/ Hudson’s Bay Rewards


7.      Scene

8.      Club Sobeys

9.      CAA

10.  PC Points/PC Plus

THOUGHTS: Do you follow or notice the savings you receive when using your rewards card?



  1. Brand Loyalty Program work in a way that makes customers feel engaged, recognized, and special and retain them in the long run. How brands incorporate loyalty programs in their offerings is what makes a difference! It is a time of technological advancement.

  2. Unlock exclusive benefits and rewards with our loyalty rewards program at LetsVerify! Join now and enjoy a seamless experience of earning points, discounts, and special offers on your favorite products and services. Don't miss out on the perks of being a valued member
